The best method is to combine the search terms (SBIRT and Hispanic) into a single search, as well as to expand Hispanic to include other ethnic variations. An appropriate search string might be "SBIRT AND (Hispanic OR Latino OR Mexican American)".
Try using this search string in the databases Social Work Abstracts, SocIndex with Full Text, and PsycInfo.
If you cannot find enough articles in those databases, try the same search string in Google Scholar. By using this Google Scholar link, any full text article links will appear to the right of the citation. If you find relevant articles that don't include the full text, you can request the article through Get It 4 Me.
Be aware that relevant articles may not be evident by the title (i.e. the word SBIRT or Hispanic may not necessarily be in the title. An example is:
Satre, D. D., Manuel, J. K., Larios, S., Steiger, S., & Satterfield, J. (2015). Clinical Case Conference: Cultural Adaptation of Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) using Motivational Interviewing. Journal of addiction medicine, 9(5), 352.
If there is sparse literature, you may also have to find articles by searching for separate aspects of SBIRT, such as "brief intervention AND Hispanics" and then piece together how the literature applied the different aspects of SBIRT to the population.
The best method is to combine the search terms (SBIRT and Hispanic) into a single search, as well as to expand Hispanic to include other ethnic variations. An appropriate search string might be "SBIRT AND (Hispanic OR Latino OR Mexican American)".
Try using this search string in the databases Social Work Abstracts, SocIndex with Full Text, and PsycInfo.
If you cannot find enough articles in those databases, try the same search string in Google Scholar. By using this Google Scholar link, any full text article links will appear to the right of the citation. If you find relevant articles that don't include the full text, you can request the article through Get It 4 Me.
Be aware that relevant articles may not be evident by the title (i.e. the word SBIRT or Hispanic may not necessarily be in the title. An example is:
Satre, D. D., Manuel, J. K., Larios, S., Steiger, S., & Satterfield, J. (2015). Clinical Case Conference: Cultural Adaptation of Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) using Motivational Interviewing. Journal of addiction medicine, 9(5), 352.
If there is sparse literature, you may also have to find articles by searching for separate aspects of SBIRT, such as "brief intervention AND Hispanics" and then piece together how the literature applied the different aspects of SBIRT to the population.
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